Lovely Light; Golden Hour.

Russ Murray
May 25, 2022


Day 143 / 2022 Photo Project365

I’ve posted often (ad nauseum?) about my love for the warm light in the “golden hour” just before sunset and I don’t want to abuse you with more effusive, rhapsodic details of my feelings on that topic in this post… So, without any pomp or preamble, muss or fuss, here are a couple of warm, wonderful golden hour photos I took on Long Island Sound — enjoy!

Camera: iPhone 13 Pro Max
Editing: Hipstamatic app
Photographer: Russ Murray aka “remages
Location: Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT

See you tomorrow…

Russ Murray / remages



Russ Murray

My photographs, daft/deft words, haikus, observations, and musings.